6 Şubat 2025

Kars Sağlık Haberleri – Güncel Gelişmeler ve Bilgiler

Ekonomi, spor, teknoloji, magazin ve genel haberlerle Kars Sağlık’tan güncel ve güvenilir gelişmelerle haberdar olun!

Kahramanmaraş’ta deprem

AFAD verilerine göre Kahramanmaraş'ta 3,2 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Depremin merkez üssü Dulkadiroğlu. Saat 5.58'de meydana gelen depremin derinliği 7 kilometre olarak ölçüldü. Depremde ölen ya da yaralanan olmazken, bölgedekiler panik ...

Kahramanmaraş’ta 3,2 Büyüklüğünde Deprem Meydana Geldi

According to AFAD data, a 3.2 magnitude earthquake hit Kahramanmaraş. The epicenter of the earthquake was Dulkadiroğlu.

The earthquake, which occurred at 5:58, was measured at a depth of 7 kilometers. There were no casualties or injuries in the earthquake, but it caused panic among the locals.


During the earthquakes on February 6, 2023, 11 provinces were destroyed, more than 50 thousand citizens lost their lives, and thousands of people were left homeless.